
A Statement about what is going on in Sudan

Dr. Omer El-Garrai

26 December 2018

This statement is for the whole world as it is still not paying attention to what is going on in Sudan.
Muslim Brothers, members of the National Congress Party (NCP) were covering their faces like bank robbers using machine guns and snipers on the high building roofs shooting and killing innocent civilian unarmed demonstrators on the streets of Khartoum yesterday.
Since the peaceful demonstrations started last week in Atbara and quickly spread to cover all the cities of Sudan, the government has been trying to convince the army to face the people. But the army, and even the mercenaries used by the government in killing people of Darfur before, are still refusing to comply. The dirty crime is now being committed by members of the party of the government.
Many Sudanese were killed and a lot more are injured, and the world is blind and deaf. We blame the UN and its organization of not considering the issue. The United States of America had sanctions on the government of Sudan as a sponsor of terrorists and now the same government becomes the terrorism itself and as if nothing happens. The European Union and all western countries that prefer to appear as democracy and human rights defenders are unable to have clear stand on this case.
The situation of our brothers in Africa and Arab countries is even worse. Those are close to us by location and far from us by their feelings and emotions. Even the media is tackling the events of Sudan with shy approaches. The media which was very active on the assassination of Jamal Khashoggi is now calm while Sudanese youths and women are murdered in cold blood.
Sudanese people, women men and children are fighting their battle. They are offering their souls generously to retrieve their freedom and dignity. They want no one to combat on their behalf. But want everyone to stand for the value they claim. Facing machine guns with opens chests cheering in a unity confronting tyrant and his militias they are writing a new chapter of glory in the history of humanity.
Dr. Omer El-Garrai